De acordo c/ o site Information Dissemination:


Os seguintes navios americanos foram despachados p/ auxiliar ao Japão nesta triste hora:

  • USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76)
  • USS Chancellorsville (CG 62)
  • USS Preble (DDG 88)
  • USS Essex (LHD 2)
  • USS Germantown (LSD 42)
  • USS Tortuga (LSD 46)
  • USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49)
  • USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19)

Em uma outra nota, do mesmo site:


“USS ESSEX, with the embarked 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, arrived in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, this morning. The ship is making preparations to depart as early as this evening.

USS BLUE RIDGE, which arrived in Singapore this morning, is onloading a Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HADR) kit and making preparations to depart tomorrow morning.

USS TORTUGA, currently in Sasebo, Japan, is making preparations to embark LCUs and get underway as early as this evening.”

Em um já famoso e notório discurso, o SEC. DEF. Gates meio que criticou a US Navy pois esta teria “amphibs” em demasia, considerando seus principais aliados e ameaças.
É nessas horas que o valor e a utilidade dessas plataformas aparece.

COLABOROU: Maurício R.

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